Student council

As a student, you naturally want your voice to be heard at our college. One way to make your voice heard is by joining the General Student Council (ASR). But what exactly do they do? 

The ASR represents all students at the institution level. The stuvers (student representatives) who sit on the ASR stand up for the interests of all students studying at Erasmus Univesity College Brussels. The ASR consists of representatives from the various departmental student councils (DSR's), with two delegates sent to the ASR from each DSR. In this way, there is always a broad representation from all departments/school of arts and studies. 

One of the main tasks of the ASR is to write opinions for the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. These recommendations are taken seriously and influence the institution's policy. As a student, you therefore have the opportunity to contribute to changes that matter to you or your fellow students. 

The ASR meets about monthly to meet and discuss what is going on among students. During this meetings, not only are students' interests seriously discussed, but there is also room for socialising and meeting other students. 

Joining the ASR thus offers many advantages. Not only can you have your voice heard at the level of the institution, but you also get a chance to meet other students and learn about what is going on within the institution. In short, the ASR is a great way to get involved with the college and contribute to improving the quality of education. 

Find out below who the stuvers are who are serving on the ASR this academic year. If you have any questions for them, you can reach them at the emailadress below. 

Our boardmembers 

  • Rik Van Campenhout: Voorzitter ASR, afgevaardigde Raad van Toezicht en lid DSR MM
  • Justine Davidts: Bestuurslid ASR en lid DSR MM
  • Tibo Van de Berck: Bestuurslid ASR, lid DSR MM 
  • Hannelore Burssens: Bestuurslid ASR, afgevaardigde Raad van Toezicht en lid DSR GDT
  • Joachim Van Kerrebroeck: Bestuurslid ASR en lid DSR GDT
  • Dina Bouazzafen: Bestuurslid ASR, lid DSR GDT
  • Sybren Bruneel: Bestuurslid ASR, lid DSR RITCS
  • Kiani Khatri Chetri: Bestuurslid ASR, lid DSR RITCS
  • Free Van Hee: Bestuurslid ASR, lid DSR KCB, lid school of arts-raad KCB
  • Axel Znamensky: Bestuurslid ASR, lid DSR KCB
Rik - DSR MM

Rik Van Campenhout

  • Voorzitter ASR
  • Afgevaardigde Raad van Toezicht
  • Bestuurslid DSR MM
Justine - DSR MM

Justine Davidts

  • Financieel verantwoordelijke ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR MM
Tibo - DSR MM

Tibo Van de Berck

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR MM 
Hannelore - DSR MM

Hannelore Burssens

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Afgevaardigde Raad van Toezicht
  • Bestuurslid DSR GDT
Sena - DSR GDT

Sena Çelik

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR GDT


Sybren - DSR RITCS

Sybren Bruneel

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR RITCS

Kiani Khatri Chetri

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR RITCS
Indra - DSR KCB

Indra Van Impe

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR KCB
Axel - DSR KCB

Axel Znamensky

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR KCB


Joachim - DSR GDT

Joachim Van Kerrebroeck

  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR GDT