Executive board

The governance of the Erasmushogeschool Brussel is headed by the College van Bestuur (CvB). This body has the task of coordination the functioning of the various bodies and executing all powers not assigned to any other body except the Supervisory Board. 

The CvB consists of several directors, including ex-officio directors (such as the chairman of the institutional body and the AD and non-ex officio directors. A student representative from the General Student Council is invited to attend Board meetings as an advisory member and is given access to all relevant documents. 

Our student boardmember 

Justine - DSR MM

Justine Davidts

  • Afgevaardigde College van Bestuur
  • Bestuurslid DSR MM
  • Financieel verantwoordelijke ASR
  • Afgevaardigde AV en bestuursorgaan UAB &
  • Lid B.A.S.T