Student council GDT

Welcome to the Departmental Student Council Health, Design and Technology (DSR GDT)!

As a point of contact for students within our department, we would like to hear your ideas and suggestions. Your voice is important to us and we represent it with great pleasure and enthusiasm during the academic year.

Every year EhB organizes elections for the DSR. Curious who represents your voice? You can find us below.

Our DSR meets monthly, with the exception of holidays. Would you like to attend a meeting? Please contact us via the e-mail address below. We look forward to meeting you!

Our board 

  • Lisanne Moens: Chairwoman DSR GDT, member of the GDT Departemensraad
  • Laurent Dardenne: Vice-President DSR GDT
  • Hannelore Burssens: Secretary DSR GDT, member ASR, deputy Supervisory Board
  • Cansel Yelboga: Board member DSR GDT, member departemensraad GDT, member STUVO council & member social media team
  • Joachim Van Kerrebroeck: Board member DSR GDT, member ASR
